"You know he'd be a poorer man if he never saw an eagle fly." ~~John Denver

Egyptian Geese

These geese are a little out of their element here in South Florida!  I believe this is a mother, father and 4 chicks (I say that because I saw them weeks earlier when 4 of them were smaller than the other two).  I think it is unusual for there to be a breeding pair where I saw these in Florida.

There's no mistaking that face!

The above photos were taken on 06/26/2012.

This is an earlier photo of the same geese (taken on May 1, 2012).  Unfortunately, it's a cell phone pic and not very good; but, it does appear to be a family.

Baby Bald Eagle

I was very excited today to finally see this baby bald eagle.  I had been out to this eagle's nest on a couple of prior occasions, but only saw the adults.  Today, there was an adult on the nest, and one on the branch above the nest.  At that time, the eaglet was either sleeping or was way down in the nest.  In a few minutes, the adult on the branch flew into the nest, then flew out.  After that, the eaglet was visible. 

This adult remained on the nest for a while.

This adult was on the branch above the nest.

Evenutally, both adults were on the nest.

Then, one adult flew to a nearby tree.

The eaglet is SO cute!

Bald Eagle on Nest


Outside Everglades National Park

Theodore Roosevelt National Park (N.D.)


I saw both these beauties a little south of Salt Lake City, Utah.

South Carolina